The Layman's Bible

Biblical Interpretation from Someone with no Training in Biblical Interpretation

Obadiah in Focus

Obadia in Focus (Obadiah)

The Book of Obadiah, aka: God Really Hates Edom

Obadiah is an interesting book.  It’s one of those one chapter prophets who seems pretty focused on an issue that is hard for us to relate to in the modern age.  I mean, what does the fall of Edom have to do with us?

This is what I pressed to the Lord as I approached the book 5 verses at a time.  And sure enough, the Holy Spirit opened the Scriptures to show me just how some book relating to events that predate Jesus could have any relevance on our lives

The articles are designed to stand alone, but follow the progression of the verses of the book of Obadiah.

As a little background to it (which appears in greater detail in the articles), during the exile of Israel, Edom somehow profited off of Israel’s misery.  This did not sit well with the Lord so he spoke through Obadiah how much he was gonna mess Edom up for it.  There’s some good lessons in this though so by all means, check ’em out!

Edom and Philosophical Arrogance (Obadiah 1:1-5)

Betrayal and Retribution (Obadiah 1:6-10)

When Your Enemy Eats Dirt (Obadiah 1:11-15)

When You Eat Dirt (Obadiah 1:16-21)